

Neural Network-based Joint Angle Prediction for the NAO Robot. RoboCup 2023 symposium.


Soccer Field Boundary Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks.
Arne Hasselbring, Andreas Baude.  RoboCup 2021 symposium (2022).
Closing the Reality Gap with Unsupervised Sim-to-Real Image Translation.
Jan Blumenkamp, Andreas Baude, Tim Laue. In RoboCup 2021 symposium (2022).


JET-Net: Real-time object detection for mobile robots.
Bernd Poppinga and Tim Laue. In Stephan Chalup, Tim Niemueller, Jackrit Suthakorn, and Mary-Anne Williams, editors, RoboCup 2019: Robot World Cup XXIII, volume 11531 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 227–240. Springer, 2019.
Nao lower camera ball detection dataset that was auto-labeled available at 


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